Gond Art Painting | Poetic Depiction of Human-Tree Harmony in Tribal Culture | Heeraman Urveti (HU 43))

Gond Art Painting | Poetic Depiction of Human-Tree Harmony in Tribal Culture | Heeraman Urveti (HU 43))

Gond Art Painting | Vibrant Tribal Paintings: Celebrating Nature and Culture (HU 47))

Gond Art Painting | Vibrant Tribal Paintings: Celebrating Nature and Culture (HU 47))

Gond Art Painting | Mahua Fruit Harvest: A Vibrant Tale of Shiva and Nature | Heeraman Urveti (HU 45))

HU 45
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HU 45
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This Gond painting shows women collecting Mahua Fruit. It a scene of early morning as Mahua fruit is collected at the dawn with Shiva in the center, this folk-art painting is a celebration of vibrant colors and intricate patterns, showcasing the essence of nature in every detail. The use of bold and lively hues creates a visually striking composition that is sure to captivate any observer.
Once while walking through a forest, Lord Shiva, the God of Destruction, felt tired and thirsty. He was searching for water. Suddenly he found some birds were sitting by the edge of a hollow in the tree and chirping. He went close to the tree and found that the hollow was filled with water and the birds were drinking it and was dancing around the tree. Shiva settled himself under the shade of the Mahua tree and drank the water. In no time he drifted into a state of joy.
The water contained some over-ripe mahua fruit and the mahua fruit is well known as an intoxicant and medicinal properties. So, the water tasted delicious – cool and sweet and scented by the mahua fruit, and soon Shiva was drinking from it again and again!
As his intoxication grew, Shiva went from speaking well and intelligently like a parrot, to becoming powerful and fierce, like a tiger, and then finally lost all control and rolled in the dirt like a wild boar, grunting and growling without a thought to his standing or position.
Since then, Gonds produce Mahua water. Mahua fruits have a lot of ethnic values among the tribal people. It is regarded as a divine gift and an essential ingredient of any ritual and also a herbal medicine for many diseases.
It is an interesting tale about the discovery of the benefits of the Mahua tree as well as the potential hazard of intoxication by Mahua fruits.

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Size 49" X 35"
Orientations VERTICAL
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